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Time In Traffic!

Real-time interactions, learning, and resource-sharing among

commuters stuck in traffic congestion.


How can we alleviate the stress and frustration associated with traffic by introducing elements

that transform the commute?

​ Project highlights:

Human-centric research, Product design, ethnographic research, Service design, prototyping.

“Why is the project important?”

The project revolves around transforming the often stressful experience of commuting in traffic into an engaging and community-driven activity.

By leveraging technology, the aim is to empower commuters with a sense of control over their time, foster a feeling of community through real-time interaction, and offer avenues for shared experiences. The platform seeks to not only alleviate frustration but also introduce
elements of productivity and enjoyment during traffic congestion.


“Is the argument relevant?"

Fostering real-time interaction among commuters to build a sense of community.
Integrating features that enable productive use of commute time, empowering individuals with a sense of control over their journey, and creating a platform
that encourages community building among those sharing similar commuting routes.

This project aims to go beyond conventional traffic solutions, addressing not just the physical challenges but also the psychological and social dimensions of the commuting experience.

document traffic picture.jpg

The project wants commuters to have better commuting experience in traffic by alleviating the negative impacts/feelings through the medium of increased real-time interaction and productivity between/of commuters.

*Is this difficult to read?

“Why is
control over
time important?”

Why do people feel negative emotions? 

This is because having a sense of control helps to reduce uncertainty and anxiety. When people feel like they have no control, they may feel helpless and overwhelmed, which can lead to unwanted feelings.


was the outcome?"

The final design included a product with HMI Display Interface which would facilitate real-time interaction, learnings and resource sharing among commuters.


It particularly works with the interactive display which is there available in the cars. It also aims to transform daily commute into an opportunity for connections, growth and convenience.

first prototype image.jpg

Look at the document for more details:)


The primary intent was not just to find a solution but to alter the perspective through which

we view the colossal challenge of traffic congestion.


The project aspires to offer more than just a technological fix. It aims to reframe the way we perceive and respond to traffic congestion, recognizing it as a shared struggle that demands a communal approach.

"Do you think creating distractions is ethical? look a the document to know more about the project"

The document!

"The prototype?"

This video contains an overview of the project's background, nature and focus. It also contains in-depth information about the design solution. 


more research details & information,
can be found in this document.

This project was done under FDP Module
at the The Design Village, India
Aug'23 to Nov'23

Kshitij Bahl
Facilitator, The Design Village

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